Sunday, 7 December 2014

Park Improvements - New Trees, Bulbs, Gardening and Volunteers

Dear Friends

You may have noticed that new trees have arrived in the park in recent weeks - all of which have been funded by you - The Friends of Cottenham Park. 

Apple Trees
  • We now have a row of four Apple trees on the short diagonal path leading from the south east gate which will make a beautiful entrance to the park in Spring when they are in blossom. There is one of each of the following varieties: Cox's Pippin, Elstar, Egremont Russet and Howgate Wonder.
  • We also have four new oak trees (Quercus nigra and Quercus palustris Green Pillar) along the long diagonal path east of the Pavilion - one of which replaces the dead sapling opposite the playground entrance. 

  • There's also two new Amalanchier bushes along the west path wall - either side of the Yew trees. 
Species TBC!
And finally 
  • Another young tree (unlabelled - no doubt we'll find out what it is in Spring when it comes into leaf!) planted by the tennis courts along the Melbury path.

We are really thrilled with this addition and along with the other improvements to our park, ie. the painting of the Pavilion (by Merton) and refurbishment of the playground (partly funded by a refund of an item of playground equipment), we think our park has come a long way in 2014.

Newly Painted Playground Equipment

We are also delighted to let you know that we have just taken delivery of a large quantity of free spring bulbs (Daffodils, Iris, Narcissi, Honey Bells, Hyacinths) which we applied for as part of the Bulbs for London Initiative. We'd like to thank the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association ( and Taylors Bulbs of Spalding for these and look forward to them bringing even more colour to the park in spring.

The Gardens
More ever flourishing features we've enjoyed this year are our gardens - including the two wildlife friendly corners and the Pavilion garden. As most of you know, Jill Smith has been working on these for many years and all are now looking very well established. (You will remember how bare the Pavilion garden looked before Jill began to work her magic and that the two west corners were completely barren, dog plagued areas where even grass didn't grow well). 

Sadly for us, Jill has decided to hang up her gloves to concentrate on her own garden and give her back a bit of a rest. So, we'd like to say a huge thank you to her for all the hours, ideas and expertise she has given to the park, and she should be very proud of her achievements!

Which brings us neatly on the the subject of Volunteers!

The gardens are in great shape at the moment, with bulbs and seeds recently planted for next year so we are looking for some greenfingered and/or enthusiastic people to help us maintain them.  Do you have an hour or two each month to spend weeding, pruning, removing leaves/rubbish etc?  We possibly need a team of volunteers - one of whom may wish to take a coordinating role to organise everyone. Jill has very kindly offered to do a handover to explain what she's been doing and what's coming up, and she will continue to maintain the new raised bed in the Cambridge Road Wildlife corner.

We really need a hand to get all our new bulbs in before Christmas so if you'd like to join us, please let us know as soon as possible - many hands make light work!

Thanks again for all your support.

Friends of Cottenham Park Comittee

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Date for the Diary...

The Friends of Cottenham Park

Invite you to join us for 
 Christmas Carols
in the Pavilion
Friday 19th December 2014

at 7.00pm

 Mulled Wine, Soft Drinks

& Mince Pies

All welcome!

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Proposed Changes to the Public Tennis Courts in Cottenham Park

Merton Council will shortly issue a tender for a Concession Contract for the day to day management and development of tennis at Cottenham Park.

The Friends of Cottenham Park have sought reassurance from the Council on a number of aspects of the proposal but there will be significant and fundamental changes to the way in which the courts operate and a substantial reduction in the number of courts available for the public to play tennis.

The number of courts available to the public will be reduced from 6 to 2 courts at all times and the concession operator will collect charges on the courts used by the public at the same rate as charged by the Council for use of other council owned courts within the borough. If the Concession Operator is not using all the courts they may release them for charged public use. The Concession Operator will provide up to two courts during June and July on Monday and Tuesday between 4.30 pm and 7.30 pm for use by the Council’s Leisure Development Team on request.

The council has now confirmed that the courts will only be used in the same hours that the park is open and that there will be no use of floodlighting during the course of the contract, which will be for a 5 year period with a 2 year each way break clause. This represents progress from the original draft tender which gave the Council flexibility on both of these counts.

The Concession Operator may operate a membership scheme for the site in addition to any coaching and competition programmes that it may wish to run. The Concession Operator will only be allowed to use coaches qualified in accordance with the National Coach Development programme, who are licensed by the LTA and have provided an up-to-date Criminal Records Bureau check.

Merton Council seek to encourage the use of the tennis provision, to gain some income and to develop the site into a Lawn Tennis Association recognised Beacon Tennis Centre. There is no requirement for maintenance of the courts in the tender.

All of the above would represent a major change in the way in which the courts are used at a time when there is a large active tennis club close by, and the Friends of Cottenham Park are therefore seeking your views on the proposed change to be in a position to provide a coordinated response to Merton Council before the proposal goes out to tender. 

Please email very promptly your views to so that we may be sure that your opinions are clearly represented to Merton Council.
Whilst we aim to correlate a response to the Council, we may not be able to respond to contributors on an individual basis but we will keep you informed via email and here on the blogspot.

We thank you for your interest.

Mike Hammond
Chairman, Friends of Cottenham Park

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Tea in the Park - Thank You

Dear Friends of Cottenham Park

Thank you everyone on the committee who spent many hours soliciting gifts, collecting them and organising the successful day. Quite a task as this was the first time we had actually done it on our own since the old guard stepped down, well done.

To those who helped erecting the marquee and gazebos and didn't we laugh trying to figure out how the framework fitted together? Thanks also.

To those who set up the various stalls with the produce they were selling from organic vegetables to plants to books to bottles to face painting to cakes and to the games for children organisers. What a sterling effort by everyone concerned. Thanks too.

To the band who played all afternoon without a break and kept the mood happy playing songs we have grown up with, lets book them again for next year! Well done the band.

Finally to all the friends themselves who came on this not very sunny day and spent their cash on the products on offer. To the businesses who donated the raffle prizes and those who gave bottles, cakes, plants and books etc all making this a successful day

We raised £798 to use in our park. Your committee will decide in conjunction with Merton Greenspaces what to do with the money raised and let you know.

Best wishes
Mike Hammond
Chairman FCP

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Tea in The Park - Sunday 27th April 2014

It's the time of year when the Friends of Cottenham Park begin to plan our annual spring get-together and we look forward to welcoming you:

Tea in the Park
Sunday 27th April
2.30 - 4.30 pm
in the 
Pavilion Gardens

We will have all the favourite stalls and activities including: bottle tombola, books, home made cakes, plants, raffle, organic fruit and veg, face painting, fun and games for the kids and live entertainment.  We've also got some brand new attractions planned this space!

As always, we welcome all donations of bottles, books, children's books, CD's, DVD's, raffle prizes - please drop them off to the committee beforehand - and cakes and plants can be brought along with you on the day.

We also need volunteers to help us set up in the morning and to help run stalls, so if you can help or donate, please get in touch!

Best wishes


Monday, 3 February 2014

Reminder - AGM Sunday 9th February


10th Annual General Meeting

to be held on

Sunday 9th February 2014 at 10.30am

In the Pavilion, Cottenham Park

Minutes from last years meeting and accounts will be available 

We really hope that you are able to come, we need to discuss the future of the Friends with as many people as possible