This warming sunshine brings with it the announcement of The Friends of Cottenham Park's annual spring get-together and we look forward to welcoming you all:
Tea in the Park
Sunday 19th April
2.30 - 4.30 pm
in the
Pavilion Gardens
We'll have all the favourite stalls and activities including the bottle tombola, books, homemade cakes, plants, raffle, face painting, fun and games for the kids and of course, cups of tea aplenty.
This year we are also very excited to announce the addition of Basil and Crew's mobile petting farm so there'll be opportunity for children (and grown ups!) to stroke and feed Shetland ponies, goats, sheep, ducks and chickens too.
As always, we welcome donations of bottles, jars and gifts for the tombola and any good books. (We will be in touch to confirm drop off locations, though if you can start to clear out your shelves and cupboards in the meantime)
We are also hoping to receive your usual generous and delicious offerings of baked goodies for the cake stall as well as any plants and cuttings you might have. These always sell very well and you can bring these along with you on the day.
The raffle was a big hit last year so do please let us know if you have something that would make a super prize.
Finally, we also need volunteers to help us set up in the morning, help run stalls and deliver flyers - the more the merrier! So if you can help, please get in touch.
Fingers crossed for sunshine...
Thanks and best wishes
Friends of Cottenham Park