Monday, 18 November 2013

FCP Chairman and Founder Retires

Michael Woods, one of the founders of The Friends of Cottenham Park, formally resigned from his post as Chairman at our last committee meeting on October 9th.

Michael was instrumental in forming the group of local residents that became FCP over ten years ago, with the aim to protect and promote this valuable amenity for the benefit of everyone in the surrounding community.  He, along with his wife Judith - another founding member and who was also one of our Secretaries until earlier this year - has worked tremendously hard with relentless professionalism, graciousness and attention to detail to ensure Cottenham Park is the beautiful, safe and well maintained place we all enjoy today.

Michael should be very proud of all he has accomplished during his Chairmanship and on behalf of all our members, the FCP would like to thank him for all the years of dedication and good work.  We wish Michael and Judy a long, happy and healthy retirement in their new home in Claygate and look forward to welcoming them as guests of honour at our future events!