Dear Friends of Cottenham Park
In the early Spring this year we planted a wildlife friendly hedge to
the east of the pavilion garden railings.
It was not a great success, it was trampled on, used by dogs, and
then the drought came.
Anyway, we have now planted another selection of hedging
plants (a bargain offer in Gardener's World Magazine from Wiggly Wigglers - see info on plants below).
They are strong plants and we have planted them closer together and
marked off the area.
The plants include beech, blackthorn, dogrose, field maple and spindle.
We have also just had a new bench to be put in the same area after an exceedingly long delay from Merton. Now the bench is in place, the idea is to plant two or three small,
colourful, wildlife friendly trees in the area. (These also have to be done by Merton and not by